New Bike Project!! CRF230F Conversion
The firs order or business was to strip the bike down to get some of the suspension work started. First, I removed the forks to be sold at a later date. Instead, I will mount a much better set of forks off a 1984 CR125R. Then I took the rear shock off and sent it to Hlebo Bros. to be revalved and rebuilt:
Here is the difference in forks. You can tell the wimpy 230 forks right away (they're on the right):
To make the new forks fit on the bike, I had to have my dad machine a spacer as the stem on the 125 is about 5/8" longer than the stock 230 one. Here is a pic of the triple trees I mounted with the new spacer....looks NICE:
I had to completely rebuild the forks and lower them about 1.5". While I waited for fork seals to arrive, I installed a White Bros Intake, a White Bros R4 exhaust, and installed the Honda power-up kit (new main jet and needle). Here is the bike with those upgrades...looking nicer.....:
Forks are now rebuilt and lowered. Here is a before and after pic of the fork legs showing the difference in length:
Forks are now on and look great!!! Just a few more modifications and the bike will be complete. Also got the rear shock back yesterday and put it on. Here are the forks about 90% complete:
Stay tuned for more updates!!! And very soon, a first ride report!